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皮革 沙发,车座,汽车内饰

最快 3小时,上门服务,

就能帮皮革座椅 洗澡,瞬间变新


Leather car seat cleaning and conditioning

为什么需要 每年清洗 + 护理


人体的油脂,灰尘污垢 会堆积在皮革细纹里,严重影响美观和质感。坐上去,感觉 好像碰到几年没洗澡的皮肤



如果看到 肮脏的沙发

会让你 很没面子

Dirty sofa

给我们 3 小时,


leather sofa cleaning by professional
清洗沙发 ?

皮革师用的 专业清洁剂

可以 渗透皮革的每一个毛孔和细纹


大幅度的还原 沙发的原貌,


人体油脂,污垢,食物残渣… 都 没问题

对于无法去除的永久性污渍 (像是墨汁,染料)

我们都会尽 200% 的努力去淡化它。

Ageing leather and ageing skin
为什么要 保养皮革 

皮革的天然纤维,会随着 时间的流逝紫外线的照射,慢慢分解。

没有深度保养的皮革,强度和耐用性,会 快速衰退已经过度硬化,龟裂的皮革,就 没救了



顶级的精华液,可以: ​

  • 减低紫外线的伤害

  • 抵抗皮革裂开和褪色

  • 恢复原本的哑光色泽

  • 保持皮革的柔软度

  • 延长寿命,高达3倍

private jet leather upholstery cleaning





听听其他顾客 怎么说

Hwee Ling

I am too satisfied with the sofa cleaning. It just looks so new after the cleaning. I think I can use for another couple of years... cost saving for sure !!

Sin Ling Ku

Very prompt and professional on their service. Highly recommended.

Ann Toh

赞! 服务态度非常好 !


皮革 清洗收费*

  • 沙发 (每个位子) : RM 70** (L形多算一个位)

  • 餐椅 (每个位子) : RM 40

  • 5人汽车皮椅      : RM 300 (其他部位,请询问客服)

  • 7人汽车皮椅      : RM 420 (其他部位,请询问客服)

每次上门最低收费 RM 200,总额不足 RM 200 的话,也是收 RM 200

** L形沙发,要多算一个位子。举例:3人 L 形沙发,算是4个座位的收费

上门服务地区 (Johor)


* 没有涵盖 的邻近地区:新加坡,古来,四湾岛,峇株,麻坡



Analysing the Numbers


我们完成清洗 超过 8,890 套 皮沙发 / 皮椅。

专注,诚信,态度,让我们的客户 源源不绝

  • 我们非常舍得花钱 培训员工,把技术和服务素质 做到最好

  • 清洁剂都用最好的环保清洁剂,确保客户得到最大的价值

  • 机器都用世界公认的大品牌,像是超过  87年历史的美国 Rainbow和超过 84 年历史的德国凯驰 Karcher.

  • 14 天满意保证,做不好重做,再不满意原银奉还


  • 人造皮革很容易被染色,污染和氧化,造成永久性的伤害。反之,真皮革的抗污能力就好很多。

  • 尽力不要让阳光长期照射皮具,避免快速变质。

  • 汽车一定要贴上好的隔热膜,阻隔99.9%的紫外线

  • 不要尝试用家庭配方” 清洗皮具,非专业产品会破坏保护层

Eng Version Leather

Door-to-door Leather Furniture Cleaning Service 

Sofa, Dining Chair, Car Seat & etc

Let us help your sofa for a shower

After 3 hours

You will feel the JOY of just getting a NEW sofa again

Leather car seat cleaning and conditioning

Why do we need to clean & nourish leather seat every year?

Human body oils & dirt will accumulate in the pores and gaps of leather.  Stain will affect the appearance, texture & life span.

When you sit on the sofa, the feeling is like

touching someone who never take bath for years.


If your guests walk into the living room and notice your dirty sofa,

It’s shame on you!

Just leave the tough cleaning job to us.

Dirty sofa in living room
Professional leather cleaning service
How to clean the leather sofa?

Professional grade leather cleaner will be applied to lift the grease and grime from every pores and gaps of leather.

The formula is gentle on skin, non-caustic and will not dry out or stain leather.

After thorough cleaning, your leather will BREATHE again.



Body oils, dirts & grimes can usually be cleaned up perfectly.

For permanent stains that are difficult or impossible to remove (like ink, dye, oxidized portion & etc)

We will work REALLY hard to reduce the stain too.

Ageing skin and ageing leather
Unmaintained Leather will have Shorter Life Span

The fibres of leather will break down with the passage of time and UV rays.

Leather without deep maintenance will lose its strength and durability rapidly

It will be TOO LATE when leather crack.



After meticulous cleaning, professional

leather serum will be applied to:

  • reduce the damage of ultraviolet rays to leather

  • increase resistance to cracking and fading of leather

  • restore the original matte sheen

  • maintain the supple feel of leather

  • extend life span up to 3 times longer

After cleaning & conditioning,

Your leather furniture will:


Looks like new

Feels like new

Smells like new

private jet leather interior upholstery cleaning

Our HAPPY clients said:

Hwee Ling

I am too satisfied with the sofa cleaning. It just looks so new after the cleaning. I think I can use for another couple of years... cost saving for sure !!

Sin Ling Ku

Very prompt and professional on their service. Highly recommended.

Ann Toh

赞! 服务态度非常好 !

Photo Gallery

LEATHER  Cleaning Charges*

  • Sofa (per seat)         : RM 70 ** (L-shaped considered 1 extra seat)

  • Dining chair (each) : RM 40

  • Car seat (5-seater)  : RM 300 (other parts, please contact customer service)

  • Car seat (7-seater)  : RM 420 (other parts, please contact customer service)

* The minimum charge is RM 200, if the total cleaning is less than RM 200, it will also be charged RM 200.

** For L-shaped sofa, 1 more seat will be counted. Example: 3-seater L-shaped sofa, will be considered as 4 seats

We cover these areas in JOHOR:

Johor Bahru, Gelang Patah, Iskandar Puteri


* Areas NOT covered :  Singapore, Kulai, Pengerang, Batu Pahat, Muar…

Do you keen to clean yourself ?


Purchase cleaning kits from our online store now.

Analysing the Numbers

As of March 2022, We have cleaned

more than 8,890 sets of leather sofa / car seat.

What is the Secret of Our

Endless Stream of Customers ?

  • We put real effort to cultivate every staff to improve skills and service quality

  • We use the best environmentally friendly cleaning agents to ensure that customers get the most value

  • All of our machines are world's major brands, such as the American Rainbow (> 87 years) and the German Karcher (> 84 years).

  • 14 days satisfaction guarantee

Tips to Take Better Care of Leather Furniture

  • Artificial leather is easy to get dyed and oxidized. On the contrary, the stain resistance of genuine leather is much better. Wipe out stains gently with microfibre cloth for general maintenance.

  • Avoid exposure of direct sunlight to the leather

  • The car is advisable to installed good UV insulation film to protect leather upholstery

  • Do not try to use "home remedy" to clean leather furniture, non-professional products may cause permanent damage

Leather charges
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